Friday, January 4, 2013

The First Quarter

Dear Cherish,

I've never been good at New Years Resolutions. I'm good at writing them. Excellent in fact. But by the time March rolls around, they are lost or forgotten, buried beneath responsibilities and daily doings. This year I decided to do something different. Something I believe will help me grow and actually accomplish my goals.

I've split the year into four quarters. I'm setting goals for each quarter. Things I want to accomplish within a three month time frame. That way, I can check my progress, change any goals I need to, and then grow more. By the time I reach the third month, some of my goals will have become habits, and then I'll be able to grow even more from the next goals I set for myself. I think an entire year for a few goals was overwhelming to me, and I couldn't take seriously. Now, I have my 3 months in the future self to answer to, and that helps me stay motivated. I applaud you for your intentions for the new year. Especially running a marathon. I have always hated running. I can't. Which is why my resolutions for the first quarter look like this:

January 2013 - March 2013

1. Make Yoga a daily practice.

2. Take care of my body.

3. Pray daily.

4. Read scriptures daily.

5. Complain less.

6. Bring happiness to those whose lives I touch.

7. Do my best at everything I attempt.

8. Learn as much Italian as I can.

9. Remain optimistic.

10. Live a life worth living; no regrets.

And that's what my next 3 months look like. I'm hoping that come March I can be a much better person and have succeeded in these 10 resolutions. I'll let you know how it goes. One resolution that isn't listed, but that I will be working toward every day is letting go of the past. I've been hanging onto a past that is poisonous and painful. It's been permeating my life for far too long, hanging like a mist, haunting every relationship I could ever hope to have, but now, I feel like it's time to let go. I'm ready.

Here's to a great year, and I hope you live up to your potential too!

Always & Forever,


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